View filing’s acceptance date and time for a document

    The only indication provided on the actual electronic document as to the date and time the document was filed is the digital signature that accompanies that document. That digital signature, however, may not display the exact time the document was submitted or filed via Green Filing, but rather the date and time the document was […]

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    Last minute filings REJECTED by the Clerk

    As of now, this scenario is handled on a case by case basis and may require that you contact the Court to address any issues. In an attempt to prevent any issues we highly recommend you do the following if you are filing a document just before a filing deadline. Double and triple check your […]

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    Notifications for accepted and rejected filings

    When your filing is processed by the Court, Green Filing will generate an email notice to the email address associated with your Green Filing account. That notice will provide an indication as to whether the document was accepted or rejected. If rejected, a reason for the rejection will be provided in the email so that […]

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    Clerk and Court to review times

    The Utah Courts have adopted an “auto-accept” policy which means that the vast majority of documents submitted via e-filing are automatically accepted and fully docketed within minutes of filing.

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    Submit documents or exhibits that exist in paper or hard copy

    If you have paper or hard copy documents you need to submit along with your filing, you will need to scan those documents into a PDF format. When scanning documents, you are best suited if you follow these general guidelines. When scanning documents, you should try to minimize file size. Some simple methods in doing […]

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    Number of documents allowed in a submission

    Green Filing does not limit the number of documents you are allowed to include with your submission. You are able to upload and submit as many documents (files) as it takes to make up your pleading. Separate pleadings, however, should be uploaded and filed as separate submissions to the court. Please note that per document […]

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    Create e-Filing documents

    You may create e-Filing documents with any word processing software you like (i.e. Word, WordPerfect, etc..) so long as you have a capability to convert that document to a PDF format. To file Orders for the Court’s consideration and signature, you are required to file those documents in Rich Text Format or .rtf. The word […]

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