Small claims e-filing will not be mandatory, and you can continue to file in paper. You do have the option to e-file, though, and we would strongly encourage it.
Category: Electronic Filing
Allowed court locations for e-filing
See a list of the courts that allow e-filing. The case initiation is the box that will be most helpful, there.
Request the court “seal” or make “private” a document when e-filing
If you need to e-file a document on an open case, and request that the court seal or make private a particular document, you may do so with the following steps.
File a death certificate
The Utah State Courts suggest that when filing a death certificate, it should be in a PDF format.
The E-Filing Process
As we talk to customers, we are frequently asked questions that become sort of self-explanatory if there is an understanding of exactly how an e-filed document is processed from the time the document is submitted to Green Filing to the time the filer is notified (via email) of the filing’s status.
File a return of service for a 3rd party
When e-filing a Return of Service for a party not listed on the case, or a third party, you are not able to use the document types Return of Service, Affidavit of Service, or Acceptance of Service.
File an answer with third party complaint, counterclaim or crossclaim
The Utah State courts allows you to file an answer with third party complaint, counterclaim or crossclaim using these simple steps.
Add a John or Jane Doe party
Any time your are submitting a filing that allows the addition of parties, you may indicate a party as Jane or John Doe.
File a signed and scanned stipulation as an RTF document
Open the original Word / WordPerfect document the order was created with. Use /s/ signatures for each attorney on the signature lines … see article Sign a document for another attorney. /s/ Other Filer Name Signed by Filer Name with permission of Other Filer Name Example: /s/ Jane Smith Signed by John Smith with permission […]
e-File Appearance of Counsel/Notice of Limited Appearance to ensure attorney is attached to a case
File Appearance of Counsel to ensure attorney is attached to a case