We would like to assist in getting your filings corrected and sent back to the Court as quickly as possible. Below we have given some of the most common rejections and how to resolve them so you can get on with your filings.

1.  The CMS returned a ‘failure’ status during the validation step. The message from the CMS is: court currently does not accept FT DOMESTIC efiling.

Answer -This error means that you are trying to file a case in a Court that does not accept new filings.  For example if you are filing in Davis county they only allow new case filings in Farmington. Attached is a link in Green Filing that will give you information on all the Courts in Utah and who allow e-filing and  new case initiation. http://help.greenfiling.com/what-court-locations-allow-e-filing/

2. The CMS returned a ‘failure’ status during the validation step. The message from the CMS is: party_num: literal null

Answer– The error message you received is due to a Motion being attached to the initial case filing. If this is new case you are filing and  filing your initial document such as “Complaint or Petition,  submit this filing. Once you have case number, you can file your motion with the court.

3.  Missing party code in Motion: Doc_3333394.

Answer-This is a configuration issue, please contact Green Filing.

4.  The CMS returned a ‘failure’ status during the validation step. The message from the CMS is: attorney UT11111|JONES is not listed as active attorney.

Answer-This error message means there is a discrepancy in the name of the Attorney. Green Filing will confirm with State Bar and Courts to make sure all parties have the same consistency for the listed Attorney.

5.  The CMS returned a ‘failure’ status during the validation step. The message from the CMS is: only one PET and RES are required in case initiation.

Answer-This error message comes from number four in your transaction. When selecting the role of the parties if the default says Plaintiff, you will want to change that to Petitioner and for Defendant change to Respondent. Once you have made the changes, you can resubmit your filing.

